UFO's, Unidentified Objects



Light Emitting Stones



Thermo-couple meter

Stabilizer Gyro Amplifier

Switch & Detector Unit REF. No. 10/AE.1558

Dynamotor ZA25907 HT 31 Watt No.1 (Receiver)

Eindbuis van een onbekend type, K-6023, niet te vinden op internet

AERIAL No. 2 MK1/ ??
ZA 30426

Thanks to mr. Rob Fenn from Derby, England for solving this item. He wrote : 

The British 'balun' called "Coupling, Dipole, Aerial, No2 Mk1/1" was used on the WW2 era copper wire aerial "Aerials, Dipole, No.9 BT Mk1/1" (stores code ZA.29517).
This was a long open-wire multi-use dipole aerial used with the British wireless sets WS12 HP and similar.



Met afgeschroefde aansluiting van de antennekabel .

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Another UFO,

Again something from Piet Lassche. Years ago he found in his neigbour's garden typical stones. He was told that these stones were used by the Germans during the second world war. It were light emitting stones and used as lines on airports. I tested them with a radiationmeter, but nothing happened.
The question now is, who knows something about these stones??????
Well, the answer I found on the former military airbase "Twenthe" in the eastern part of the Netherlands. During a visit in september 2015 I had, together with about 60 other people, we had an explanation of the
former German airfield during WW2. It appeared that the runways of the field were not provided with lights, the enemy could find them, but with stones. They had a surface of white enamel that reflacted the light of
the headlights of the airplanes. So there was no active radiating surface.
The stones can still be seen on Twente Airport near Enschede, Holland.

The top of the stones.

The layer on the top was emitting the light.

The bottom of the stone, why this typical hole??.

The typical surface.

Who knows this logo??

Type-number ???

Did it look like this ???

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A new one, Piet Lassche has this American Transmitter, it looks like a weather-forecast-balloon device, who knows more about this item?????

Hereby an answer and some pictures from South Africa, from Sten, ZS 2 CFC.

Radiosonde T 435  is indeed used for weather...forecasting. The device is carried by balloon ( at this time hydrogen filled ) up to about 10 kms.
As long as the balloon can be observed the wind direction at at that height the sonde is can be established. Because it transmits barometric data.
Other data send down is temperature and humidity. There are many different designs, this old one is with tubes/valves.
Some of those where dropped with a parachute from plane into the eye and or specific points of Hurricanes to get data to learn more about these winds.

It is quite possible that these devices have been used in Europe, not just Germany. I do have the Manual  "Radiosonde  AN / AMT - 4A " from which the attached pictures are. As you can see on your website is only the "Radio" part and not the sensor part shown. There are many types and makers for these Sondes. They are started from many key places 4 times or so a day to get a picture of  higher up winds and conditions, which help in forecasting. This however means that they must have been made by the 100 thousands... I do have a couple of Sondes and allied parts , many - including the handbook come from : www.fairradio.com       USA based-the worlds finest surplus...as they say

Thanks Sten.

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What is this, I found it in a B21B receiver (Admiralty) but it is a AirMinistry part ???????

A calibrator with a 100 kHz crystal.

X-tal is dated December 1944.


It belongs to receiver Type 78 ( RAF-part 10D/1307)

This is the Type 78 receiver.

Top-view of the calibrator.

Looking at the right side of the receiver.

The radio is part of the ARI-5206. ARI means Aircraft Radio Installation and the 5206 system, first released around 1943, was installed on different aircraft types.

The complete equipment group listed for the ARI 5206 at the Kurrajong Radio Museum is as follows:
HF receiver Type 78      (2.4 - 13.0 MHz)
HF transmitter Type 53  (2.4 - 13.0 MHz)
MF receiver  Type 76
MF transmitter Type 51
Modulator unit Type 76
Aerial tuning unit Type 126
Type 260 control unit for any Air Gunners
Type 276 control unit for any Observers
If all the equipment above was used together, it was known as "Four Square". If only  the 78 receiver and 53 transmitter were fitted, it was called "Two in Line". It is now believed that the Two-in-Line system was the one installed in the Firefly.

Two in line

Thanks to Jan de Vries.




Here some thermocouple-meters. It is Admiralty, but where have they been used??

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Er staat duidelijk op wat het is, maar heeft iemand enig idee waar dit vandaan komt en wat het precies deed ????

Het gehele apparaat met als eindtrap 2 x 6AQ5W en 2 x 12AT7 als driver en voorversterker (Denk ik)

Blik op de andere zijde.

De uitgangstrafo.

Het speciale inputnetwerk.

De onderkant, nu het schema nog ........

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Het kastje van de Switch & Detector unit REF. No. 10/AE.1558

Dit lege omhulsel heb ik onlangs bij een opruiming gevonden. Alleen het kastje dus.
De vraag is, wat heeft er in gezeten en heeft iemand dit ooit gezien??? Het REF nummer wijst op Air Ministry van de Britten.
Misschien is aan het schema te zien wat het ongeveer was ?????

This empty case I found in one of my stores. Just the case, the question is what has it been and for what purpose? The Ref.Nr. is British.
Maybe one can tell me what it ia when he looks at the circuit.

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Een Dynamotor van de Engelse Army met het nummer ZA25907


Het is een dynamotor voor de HT-voorziening van de No.1T (Receiver), input 11,5 V en output 250 V 125 mA.

Van opzij gezien.

De achterkant.

De onderkant.

De voorkant met het typeplaatje.

Zo is het plaatje beter te zien. Waar heeft dit apparaat in gezeten????

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  DE K-6023



Wie heeft documentatie van onderstaande buis, de K-6023 van TEN????

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